Friday, June 17, 2016

Message Light of Truth...

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

اَلْحَمْدُللهِ الَّذِى هَدَنَا لِهَذَا وَمَاكُنَّا لِنَهْتَدِى لَوْ هَدَنَاالله ُ وَالصَّلاَةُ وَالسَّلاَمُ عَلٰى سَيْدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ سَيِّدُ الاَنْبِيَآءِ وَالْمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلٰى اٰلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِيْنَ أَمَّابَعْدُ.

All praise be to Allah, our Lord, the Lord of entire universe for it is He who has sent guidance through all His Prophets and Messengers for the salvation of mankind in this world and the next world. Peace and blessing of Allah be upon The Holy Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad ibni Abdullah the last and the seal of all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, The Most High who has been sent as a mercy for the entire worlds and also the same peace and blessing be upon his blessed household and holy companions.

O mankind! Please lend me your ears. Wherever you are, please listen carefully to what I am going to say to you all. Today I am appearing before you all with one intention in mind i.e. to remind and recall to you all, the long forgotten and misunderstood mission of all the Prophets, the mission of salvation for all human beings and the entire creations.

Know that we mankind are brothers and sisters regardless of race, language, skin and complexion. We are from one origin, namely Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and his wife Eve (Siti Hawa). Thus we mankind should care and love each other. As such, we feel that it is our responsibility to revive and take upon ourselves this long forgotten mission of salvation for we human beings are now heading for destruction, together with the entire creations. 

Today, we mankind are on the verge of destruction. Evil has dominated this earth. Every where the force of evils triumphs over good. This means that we have deviated from the path of the truth.

Do we human beings have deliberately closed our ears, pay no heed, unmoved and are untouched by the cry of the hungry small children, by the tears and moan of young children and mothers and the weak who are in pain and in distress and who are living in all kind of fears and are haunted by them. They wake up every morning with hope, hoping for sympathy and help from the rest of the world. However at the end of the day hope remains hope. What is left is frustration that accompanies them towards the night. Sleep on the ground, blanketed by the dew and under the darkness of the night. This is how the life of the people in some parts of the world especially the poor among the refugees in the refugee’s camps are.

Look around us, how many people were tortured and tyrannized. The stronger oppressed the weaker solely for the sake of power. The riches go after the wealth with all means even if it is illegal, for the sole of achieving their goals. Leaders search for power, comfort, luxury, name and fame. What is important to them is power and wealth and they will strive for it by what ever means as long as they still in power. The ordinary people suffer. 

Whereas racialism and ethnical fanaticism are considered as holy cause, supported and motivated by the people. As the result unity and brotherhood disappeared. Self- interest is considered as positive value. Thus, as long as there is money in the pocket, all are willing to be a friend.

Acts of aggression, civil wars, riots, public rallies and demonstrations and successive wars break out everywhere, all are declared in the name of justice, humanity and religion. All groups claimed that they were true and alleged that it is their responsibility to establish justice. Successive wars continue as if no end. As a result many people were dead, properties were destroyed and various destructions occurred.

O my brother! Did you ever starred at the empty eyes of the hopeless. These are our brothers who suffered from strange and mysterious diseases such as AIDS and bird Flu. Doctors and scientists had reached the dead end in searching for the cure and solution. Consequently, the patients who suffer from epidemic have no hope to recover. All what they can do is to count their number of days and wait for the moment of death to come.

This beautiful earth which became our homes is facing successive various calamities and natural disasters which are affecting mankind all over the world. Flood which engulfed everything occurred every moment, typhoon comes successively in different names, in certain parts of the world the occurrence of long drought has caused the burning of the forest and destroyed plants, and animals, series of earthquakes occurred every where, volcanic eruption which released lava and dust changing this beautiful earth to a barren land and the most frightening disaster, The Tsunami, has come which caused the lost of hundred of thousands of life, properties destroyed in a blinking of an eyes, and the face of the earth changes to no-mans land.  As if this world is a time bomb which can explode any moment or as a booby-trap planted all over the place waiting for its victim. How unfortunate this world is

Why wars, calamities, natural disasters and strange diseases have befallen mankind? The answer for these turmoil and suffering is due to the disappearance of feeling of love and care among ourselves

Why this is so? This is so, because we mankind have disobeyed the laws and regulations from Allah, The Almighty

Why it happen so? The answer is that today we human beings do not know who is our real creator, worthy of worshiped, who is He who has created us and the entire universe. Who is Allah, The Almighty

Had mankind forgotten that this world belongs to Allah, The Almighty alone, so why do they create mischief and cause destruction at will, which lead to chaos, disorder and destruction on land and sea, turning this beautiful planet into hell?, into an unpleasant place to dwell in

Do we not realize that all of us are the servants of Allah, The Exalted? In the sight of God we are all equal. So, why some of us oppress and tyrannize others, as if they are our slaves, why some races look down upon other races, why should there be racial segregation and discrimination

Do we not realize that all what is on this earth such as animals, vegetations andnon-living things are all creatures which have been created by Allah SWT?whereby control over them was entrusted to us? So why do we misuse them, mistreat and do not care for them

Do we human beings have not realized and understood that whatever we possess such as money, properties and wealth, all belong to Allah, The Most High? Any moment Allah will take them back from us. So why are we so boastful, haughty and stingy as if they all belong to us and are not accountable for it in the Day of Judgment? In some parts of the world people are dying of starvation every day and why are we so stingy as not to help them with all what we have

Don’t we realize that all knowledge, wisdom and understanding that we possess are all gifts from Allah, The Most High. Why do we so proud and misuse them by inventing all kinds of inventions that can destroy the earth and mankind solely for the purpose of gaining control over other races and of personal interest, gains and moneys.

Don’t we realize that ranks, positions and power to rule are the bestowal and trust which were entrusted to us by Allah SWT? So why do we use them arbitrarily to oppress, tyrannize and torture others who are under our control. For example, super power nations oppress and dominate the small countries from the third world

Don’t we realize that honour, prestige and life which we possessed are the most valuable asset bestowed by Allah SWT upon us? So, why do we arbitrarily disgrace other races and look down upon them, take the life of others among us without mercy and lawful cause. We have been killing each other due to hatred, enmity, greed and personal interests and gains

Since this world belongs to Allah, The Almighty, He is the only one who has the right to create Laws and Regulations governing this entire universe but why some of us act like God as Pharaoh was to the extent that we make our laws and regulations in governing and administrating this world as if it belongs to us. We feel that we are the most powerful, all-knowing, all-wise and the smartest in solving all problems. We are so confident that whatever we wish and plan will be implemented accordingly and nothing can stop us as if to us God no longer exist

Why do we let ourselves be influenced, mislead and deceived by the Satan, the devil, while he was responsible for the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and caused them to be sent down upon this World. Because of Adam, the devil was condemned and expelled to this world. Due to his enmity towards Adam the devil had vowed to himself to take revenge upon us the children of Adam by misleading us from the right path, so that we are all condemned like the devil himself

O brothers and sisters of the same descendents!, let us come to our sense, let us awake from our sleep so that we all may see the light of truth. We human beings have deviated from the right path and heading for destruction together with entire creations

The only salvation for us human beings is to retrace our step and return to the original path, the path that leads us to God. We must return to our real Creator, that is Allah The Almighty by repenting and submitting ourselves willingly to His Religion that is by accepting and obeying His Laws and Regulations contained therein

This Divine Laws and Regulations is based on love and mercy and as such it is the only salvation for us human beings today not only in this world but also in the hereafter. Allah SWT had sent Prophets and Messengers to convey His religion so that they can lead human beings from darkness to light. To establish justice and peace and spread love among all based on this Divine Laws and Regulations

This is the mission of all Prophets and Messengers of Allah which has now been forgotten or misunderstood by many. Now we feel it is time for us to stand and once again proclaim this forgotten mission to the whole universe and hopefully all nations and all inhabitants of this beautiful planet may hear our cry.
We hope through this with the Grace of Allah, The Most High there shall be peace, love and justice throughout this whole world

Allah S.W.T. Said in Chapter 39, Az-Zumar Verse 54 

وَأَنِيبُوا إِلَى رَبِّكُمْ وَأَسْلِمُوا لَهُ مِن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَكُمُ الْعَذَابُ ثُمَّ لاَ تُنصَرُونَ

“And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith to your Lord and submit to Him before the torment comes upon you then you will not be helped”

O Allah! Lord of all creations, forgive our sins and our wrongs, we pray that Your guidance be given to all humankind so that we all shall be free from all the dangers of this World and the Next World. O Allah! Our Lord, You have created us, as such, please grant us Your divine assistance so that we can do good deeds

O Allah! Our Lord, to those who have not accepted your religion please give them guidance so that they will embrace your religion, to those whose livelihood are straitened please increase their provision, as for the sick please grant them health, for those in difficulties please relieve them from their burden, for those who have deviated and gone astray please lead them back to the right path that You Please