Monday, May 20, 2024

An open letter to Minister of Health : HELP OUR FELLOW MALAYSIANS!

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Dear YB Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefli;


Help Our Fellow Malaysians!


Covid-19 vaccine drives had begun in December 2020 as the pandemic is believed to affect the lives of the people worldwide. Big pharmaceutical companies raced to produce ‘effective’ antidotes i.e. vaccines and these non-clinically-tested Covid-19 vaccine were widely deployed hastily.


Fast forward to 2024, adverse reactions to the vaccines are now becoming more common. Stage 4 cancer cases, heart problems, sudden death especially among youngsters and other complications are on the rise. More people are complaining their bodies are not functioning as before i.e. prior to the vaccination.


On this ground, Thoifatul Hassaniyyah feels obliged to help those experiencing the adverse reactions of Covid-19 vaccines and Thoifatul Hassaniyyah will help those who suffering from it, by the Will of Allah SWT.


Know that this treatment is a Gift from Allah SWT to all of us through His chosen one. Just as He gives life to earth after its lifeliness with rain, Allah SWT cures with Thoifatul Hassaniyyah so that mankind will realize God, that is Allah SWT, the Most Powerful exists and the true religion is Islam. He is the Only One who can heal the sickness.


Nevertheless, Allah SWT has set upon us Muslims a few conditions prior to this treatment:


Those who have administered the Covid-19 vaccine and those vaccinated must repent whole heartedly and seek His Forgiveness. We forget that in essence He is the Most Powerful and none is above Him;


2. For this, he or she must perform Taubah prayers daily, istiqamah. Indeed, He is the Most Forgiving.


By abiding these conditions, this ‘long-distance’ treatment will be successful, insyaAllah. Evidence of this treatment can be seen in the enclosed videos links (Youtube), together with the methods that will be used.


Kindly note this is done on a goodwill basis, no fees at all as this is only for Allah’s sake. This is a Da’wah and we pray that all mankind will return to Allah SWT and His Path and that Islam will become the Religion of the World.


YB Datuk Seri,


Following the tragic news of AstraZeneca vaccines being withdrawn from usage and Pfizer’s apology for using unlicensed vaccine, you have promised our beloved fellow Malaysians on May 10th 2024 the government will help those affected by the vaccines. For this we urge you to accept our good intentions and consequently help those in need. Please do not hesitate to contact our team for future arrangements and discussion:


1.                1.  Dr. Dalhadi Hassan +60 13-855 1521 |


2.  Nor Rasyidah Mustafa +60 19-2401425 |


3.  Hajjah Noor Sham Abdullah +60 19-2881425 |


4.  Nooraini Abu Samah +60 12-3175493 |


Thank you & best regards.



Thoifatul Hassaniyyah

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