Thursday, May 17, 2012

Concept of Religion Part 1, 2 & 3 by Shaikh Haji Abdul Rahim AlHassaniyyah
Some say that all religions are the same because they all bring man close to God but only each takes different road to God, The Almighty.

Some say that all religions are good because they teach good moral values.
Some in the propagation of their religion allege that other religions are not true and will do anything to convert people to their religion.

Some have rejected all religions because to them the religion is nothing but escapism and they want to live free from all religion injunctions and restrictions. They become atheists.

These bring us to some questions :
1. Are there many Allah's Religion or there is only one?
2. Does Allah, The Almighty accept all these religions or only accept that religion which His ?
3. What is Allah's Religion ?

These are the problem on religion that have caused great misunderstanding and have cause people to deviate from the right path. The second series of Sheikh Haji Abdul Rahim Al-Hassaniyyah's messages to the whole world, discussing the true concept of religion of Allah SWT.

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